Saturday, January 07, 2012

Dear Julia - three months

Dear Julia,
You are just over three months old, fifteen weeks to be exact. Wow, how that time has flown by! Someday I'll write out how you made a long drawn out entrance into this world for you, but for now I'm just going to tell you what you've been doing.

Mostly, you sleep and when you're awake you take in the world around you. You're so easy to take places (for the most part) because you like loud noises and drift off to sleep to them. You've just begun to smile intentionally and it's just about the best thing ever.

We're pretty sure you won't be a bobblehead for much longer because you love to hold you head up and look around. But, you aren't so steady just yet and those bobbles hurt when they catch us! Luckily, they don't seem to bother you.

Tummy time is not your favorite activity, but you tolerate it. It must be helping you gain strength since you end up scooting all around your crib at night!

You're starting to find your hands and we think you might be trying to get a little thumb in your mouth. Trouble is, you tuck your thumb into your tiny fists. You're also starting to make some purposeful noises and they are very precious.

You are such a good eater and get so focused on the task at hand when we're feeding you. I just love the concentration we can see in your body language while you eat. And, while you used to be such a good burper for us, you seem very unhappy about it recently. I'm hopeful you'll come back around to being easy again.

You're still a snuggly baby and everyone loves to cuddle with you. You met so many people over the last month at all of our Christmas celebrations and had such a sweet disposition even though there was so much going on. You really are a good baby.

3 Month Statistics:

Weight: 9lbs 12oz

Length: 21 inches (you might seem small for your age, but you're right on track for a preemie)

Hair color: light brown

Eyes: Still blue!

Diaper size: we've made the switch to cloth finally, but when using a disposable it's a size 1

Clothes: a few newborn items still, but you're growing into the 0-3 and 3 month sizes

Sleeping: 6 to 7 hour stretches at night!

Eating: six 4 oz bottles per day, we still can't tell if you are done with a bottle in the middle of the night yet...

I love you to the moon and back,

1 comment:

Cole said...

What a sweet letter!