1. I’m a middle child. And, yes, I have middle child syndrome.
2. As a child I always thought I’d be married with two children by the time I was 26.
3. I was 31 when I got married. My husband was 33.
4. Growing up I was always jealous of my sister’s hair. It’s really curly. I even got a perm once to try and be like her. It was a bad idea.
5. I have a dimple that is actually a scar. I fell down in a moving van when I was about two.
6. When I was about one I went to Easter Seals because I couldn’t use my right arm (I think it was my right arm). After that, I was fine.
7. I didn’t get my own room until my sister moved into the sorority house in college.
8. That lasted one year until I moved into the dorms at my college.
9. I was always a Daddy’s girl growing up.
10. Then, after high school my dad went to work in the Middle East. It wasn’t until then that my mom and I spent much quality time together as people.
11. I’ve been to Yemen twice.
12. I decided to become a vegetarian in high school.
13. I was a vegetarian until about five years ago when I began eating fish and seafood. Thus, I was a pescetarian.
14. I have always loved to cook, but didn’t much when single.
15. I don’t care for leftovers. I like creating a whole meal start to finish.
16. I’ve considered going to culinary school. But, I don’t want to ruin my hobby. Know what I mean?
17. Until I got married I never cooked meat. I ate seafood when we went out, but never cooked it, really.
18. My husband is an only child.
19. My husband’s name is Cliff; he is the only Cliff I know other than his dad.
20. He’s a third, as in his name. Which I thought looked pretty cool on our wedding invitations.
21. We met at a Halloween party. I almost didn’t go since I didn’t have a costume.
22. I’m so glad I had a two date rule by the time I met him. First dates are so awkward and he truly won me over on our second date.
23. But, he didn’t kiss me until our third date. Such a gentleman!
24. I LOVE that his proposal was a surprise. It was the happiest day of my life up until our wedding.
25. But, it almost didn’t go according to his plan. Luckily, it did.
26. We had such an amazing wedding weekend! It was so much fun!
27. Our honeymoon was also a surprise planned by him. He. Did. Good.
28. He did better choosing my ring than I would have done by myself. I can’t ever imagine wanting to change it. (Even though it was reset when I chose my wedding band.)
29. I became a Catholic on April 11, 2009. I started going to RCIA to learn more for the day when we became parents and went from there.
30. My husband was my sponsor and I think it made us much closer.
31. I truly enjoyed the marriage classes much more than the wedding planning.
32. I've always thought I had a boring name. I used to want a more unique name growing up. I wanted a name you could do something with, like a nickname.
33. That being said, my name is constantly misspelled.
34. I have always lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.
35. I went to college at the University of North Texas in Denton. Not very far.
36. I've always wanted to live somewhere else. I don't know why, maybe because I've always been here. I'm sure most places are generally the same, but I would still like to say I'm from somewhere.
37. My husband is from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
38. No, you can’t tell from his accent. His parents have a much stronger accent than him.His parents still live there.
39. Remember that movie Four Christmases? That’s us. Yes, it’s exhausting.
40. My parents divorce was a total shock to everyone, including my mom. This happened before I met my husband and man, did I bring baggage to our marriage prep!
41. One of my biggest fears in life is what happened to my mom happening to me. But, I know my husband IS NOT my dad.
42. I love being an aunt. I hope my kids are as cute as my niece and nephew.
43. My niece reminds me of myself sometimes. She’s such a little bookworm. I was too.
44. The whole idea of actually being pregnant and giving birth scares me. But, I’m warming up to the idea. Seeing my two best friends pregnant and thriving makes me feel better about the idea.
45. However, I know what diaper bag I want when I need one. It’s weird, I know.
46. When I look at baby registries I often wonder if all that stuff is really necessary.
47. It makes me melt whenever I see my husband play with children. I know he’s going to be a good father.
48. I’d be okay with having twins and getting it all done in one go round.
49. I hate driving. I'm so glad my husband likes to drive since I'm waiting for the day we can "beam" places. Or a chauffeur!
50. That being said, I enjoy washing my car. Not much makes me happier than a really clean car.
51. We have two dogs, a Black Lab Rocket and a miniature Dachshund named Miette.
52. One is 8 pounds and the other is 80. Can you guess which is which?
53. I have a rule that we won't ever have more pets than people.
54. I used to want a Golden Retriever so I could name it Nugget.
55. In high school I had a silver ferret named Sterling. He was so sweet.
56. My first job was in a pet store.
57. I was a counselor at a Girl Scout camp the summer after high school.
58. I learned how to sail at summer camp and have always wanted a sailboat. My husband gets sea sick.
59. I have Migraine. I was diagnosed when I was 15. So, it’s been more than half my life now.
60. It really bothers me when people jokingly say they have a Migraine.
61. I miss red wine. I can't drink it since it gives me migraines, but I wish I could. My husband is good about drinking white with me.
62. I’m allergic to cigars. As in, I cannot be anywhere near them. It’s bad.
63. Or, certain flowers. Lilies are the worst. My husband once left some at his house for me when we were dating and I was dog sitting. I had to put them outside.
64. I hardly ever tuck things in. I think it makes my hips look wider and my stomach bigger.
65. Following that, I hardly ever wear prints; I seem to stick to solids. Not sure why, just always have. I have exactly 8 items with prints in my closet.
66. I have definitely been wearing more dresses since getting engaged/married.
67. And, I hardly ever wear shorts.
68. I don't get designer handbags covered in logos. I just don't get it. Sorry.
69. I have terrible knees and will never be a runner. I tore them up a kid playing soccer and dancing.
70. I love Target and never shop at Wal-mart. I haven't been to one in I don't know how long.
71. I get judgmental when I shop from registries, wedding and baby. See #39. I’m always amazed at what people think it appropriate to ask for.
72. Thank You cards are very important to me. Yes, it offends me if you don’t send one for a gift I gave you.
73. Every time a flight I'm on takes off I say a prayer. I always have and likely always will.
74. My husband and I trade off on the window seat. It’s a favorite for us both.
75. Our first trip together was to Las Vegas. I had never been and he took me to see Dave Matthews Band play at MGM.
76. I was so relieved afterward that we traveled well together. It was kind of a big test for me regarding our relationship.
77. I was also relieved that his mother and I got along. I love my mother in law. I got a good one!
78. I hate clutter. I think it drives my husband nuts that I'm constantly straightening things.
79. I’ve been teased at the organization of my closet.
80. My favorite snack is chips and salsa.
81. I make my own salsa most of the time.
82. Honeycrisp Apples are one of my favorite foods. I love it when they’re in season.
83. I prefer to not drink light beer. Or, training beer as my dad calls it. I think it’s lacking in flavor. This preference does not help my waist line.
84. My husband and I never been camping together. I'm not sure how we managed to get married without having been camping.
85. I was one of the only girls to go on a trek at Philmont, the Boy Scout ranch in New Mexico. I had to get special permission to go.
86. We went to the Grand Canyon last summer and loved it. I had been as a kid and he’s never been before. It was so much fun to see him take it all in for the first time.
87. My first college football game was the Thanksgiving after we got engaged.
88. I've been on a mission to find the best hand cream and lip balm for as long as I can remember. Still looking...
89. I hardly ever have cash in my wallet. I’m getting better at this, but not by much.
90. I clip coupons almost every Sunday but forget to use them.
91. I love making lists and crossing things off. The Notes app on my iPhone gets more use than anything else I think.
92. My favorite TV show is Top Chef.
93. My favorite magazine is Cook’s Illustrated.
94. I love to read. I’ve been known to stay up all night to finish a good book.
95. I was an Art major in college and do nothing related to my degree currently.
96. I work in Aviation Marketing. Not quite sure how I ended up here.
97. I studied abroad my last semester in London. Loved it!
98. My husband is an engineer. He has three degrees. He’s super smart.
99. If you had told me I’d marry an Aggie, much less an engineer, I would have told you “No way!” Funny how things go…
100. I’m a Mac. He’s a PC.
1 comment:
lip balm? smith's rosebud salve. worn it for the past 6 years, tried other stuff--this is still the best.
my aunt is a nurse and turned me on to neutrogena's norwegian hand cream--also amazing. scent-free and stays on hands, not greasy--great for cuticles! :)
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