Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Does it get better?

I want to preface this string of thoughts but saying I am in no way complaining. I'm just putting it out there. Okay?

Our daughter will be three months old on Christmas Eve. Three months! And, I feel like I honestly have no idea where the last three months of my our life have gone. I feel like when I get home from work (now that I'm back) I have the energy to accomplish one thing. And, only one thing.

For example, my things to do list grows by about four things every day, but only one thing gets done on it each evening. And, it's usually something to the tune of the baby's laundry or vacuuming the house.I am quite glad that I did somehow manage to get caught up on Thank You notes prior to going back to work. But, the rest of the things I had big plans to get done. Not happening.

I only wrapped gifts for my niece and nephew last night since they were coming over and I didn't want them to see them.

Is it because of the holidays that I feel this way? Or, is it new motherhood? Is it because I'm only a couple of weeks back to working full time? Does it get better? Easier? Or, do you just somehow surrender to the mess and clutter everywhere and give up?

Do you get used to not going to bed at the same time as your husband any longer? I realize it's only been three months ( not even that, if you subtract the time she was still in the NICU) but, I'm feeling like she's bound to only get more time consuming once she's mobile. Right?

How do you do it? How do you still feel like you're being productive at home and staying on top of things?


Heather said...

It can definitely be hard, but I promise it does get easier as you get more used to your routines. Also, I bet you will feel a little bit better once the holidays have past. I hope so anyway. Hang in there.

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

I'm so sorry you're feeling overwhelmed right now :-( The first several months are a blur. I remember reaching the 6 week mark and thinking, "OK - things are FINALLY starting to settle"... only to have everything get all crazy again. Our little guy is 6 months old and there are still days (and evenings... and nights...) where I feel like I can't get enough done. I don't have any real words of wisdom, except to keep close with your hubs and cut out whatever extras you can - if people offer help, take it!

Hope you have a good Christmas :-)

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I'm so sorry you're having a tough time, but I promise, it WILL get better! I would say the first 4 ish months are such a blur and so hard, but then the baby starts to become more of a real person and it gets better. You will probably never get everything done in a day again though. ;-)

Jessie Jones said...

If it makes you feel any better, I have no sweet baby girl, and I'm so behind in life, I'm just now commenting on this post. I don't know how you sweet mamas do it. I can barely keep up with the two of us and a dog, and I'm frustrated. Maybe 2012 is our year? We'll get it all done! :-) XOXO!