So, 2012 already. Where did 2011 go? Oh yeah, it went here:
I've decided that I'm not making any resolutions this year. I'm just going to do my best to stay on time, cook more meals at home (and waste less food), and be a better wife. I think those are pretty lofty in and of themselves. And, yes, I know I'm supposed to make my goals specific and measurable and yada, yada, yada... But, really, there's enough pressure on me to just be successful at being a working mother that I'm going to try and be kinder to myself this year.
I've tried hard to start the new year off by having a clean house and a good state of mind. I think there is something special about this year beginning on a Sunday. It's like it's God's way of saying, "No, really, put me first in your life". Since becoming parents we've struggled to get to Mass every Sunday. Between sleep schedules (or lack thereof) and morning routines just taking longer than anticipated we've missed more Sundays that we care to admit. but, this year, I want to remedy that.
We've yet to formally ask our Godparent selections to be Godparents. Mainly because we had such a hard time choosing. Most of the friends we have that are very strong in their faith are not Catholic. And, sadly, most of the Catholics we know are not as strong in their faith as we would prefer for a role model for our child to be. But, I think we've narrowed it down to two people. Now, we hope they accept.
Anyhow, I think this year will be a good one since we are going to see our little Julia change so much over the next twelve months. I should add "learn how to use my camera better" to my list, huh?
What are your resolutions or goals this year?
Happy New Year sweet friend! I think I'm going to go with goals for the year as well. Not resolutions, But things I want to accomplish. Learn to use that camera better! We want to see lots of sweet pics of Julia! Saying prayers for your godparent selection as well. That is not an easy choice!!!
Happy New Year! Stopping by after a long blog sabbatical and it makes me so happy to see your precious new addition. Here's to a great 2012!
She's so adorable! And getting so big!
There are so many goals I'd like to reach this year...I don't even know where to start....
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