Monday, May 28, 2012

Julia's Baptism

On May 6th we celebrated the sacrament of baptism with our sweet baby girl. (I also shared my birthday with this special day.)
Julia with Father Richard, her Godmother Carly and Godfather Noel and of course, us.

We opted for an immersion baptism and it was definitely memorable!

Sweet baby girl was doing just fine until the last dunk by the Priest. Don't worry she recovered just fine. We had several parishioners tell us they'd not seen an immersion baptism in the Catholic Church and I'm glad our church offers it. I also spent much of the day explaining to my family (which none of them are Catholic) that it was also a Christening.

Julia received several very nice gifts and I'm sure someday she will enjoy them. For now, we'll keep them all in a safe place for her.

After the Baptism we had family and friends over for lunch and at the end of the day I kind of felt like I had hosted Thanksgiving Day! Phew! (I think next year I'll take my birthday off.)


Jackie said...

I've never seen an immersion baptism either!

You all looked great!

Heather said...

Congratulations! What a lovely and special event for a beautiful family!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I've never heard of an immersion baptism. Especially in a Catholic church. Pretty cool. Such a special day for all of y'all :)

Jessie Jones said...

Very cool - that sweet little one is lucky to be loved by you! What a precious day! Thanks for sharing!