Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Dear Julia - Nine Months

Dear Julia,
I'm not sure how it happened but you are now nine months old! It is so very true that the days just fly by. There is so much to see and learn and do in your little world!

You are a mover now! You are army crawling all over the place and you have this cute little pose you do to make sure we are watching. I keep trying to get a photo of it but as soon as I pull the camera out you don't do it. Figures. :)

You have started to eat some cheerios at each meal to get you used to picking up food and getting it to you mouth. It's fun to watch your expressions as you figure out there's something in you mouth that you might like.

You went swimming for the first time and you definitely prefer the warm water to cold water. It took you a little bit to warm up to the idea,but soon  you were in your floaty and just chilling.
We still take you to the Rangers games and you do great. Sometimes you get a little startled when a big play is made or the fireworks go off for a home run, but you're generally just happy and content to look around and people watch.
We even ran into your Gran and Great Grandma the other night!
A week or so ago we went with friends and sat in different seats, which really made mommy appreciate our season ticket seats since there are lots less stairs to those. :)

Changing time has become a wrestling match of sorts since you have no desire to lay still for a diaper change. You want to move, move, move.

In fact, we're headed to Baton Rouge for the Independence Day holiday and we're having to get creative for where we can stop to let you move around. We know we cannot keep you cooped up in your car seat for too long! (In fact, we should be glad you've stayed in your infant carrier as long as you have and that you are still quite comfortable in it.)

Your 9 month stats:

Weight: 17lbs 1oz (still on the petite side, but you're catching up)

Length: 26.5 inches (the pediatrician thinks you'll be about 5'5".)

Hair color: light brown, but it's getting a bit redder and a bit lighter

Eyes: Still blue! (in fact, at your ped appt she thought they would have specks of brown by now if they were going to change)

Diaper size: I don't know since you're in cloth, but we have adjusted the rise on them.You still only have two snap rows open in the front. I tried some size 1-2s for our upcoming trip to BR and they fit okay, but they leaked. We'll still with cloth.

Clothes: mostly 6-9 months and a few things are still 6 months. Still in a small sleep sack.

Sleeping: 10 hours at night; short naps at daycare but you'll nap really well on the weekends.

Eating: five 6 oz bottles per day and  three meals of solids. You definitely prefer purees, but we're working on solids and finger foods.

I love you to the moon and back,


Desiree Lynn said...

Her facial expressions are just priceless!

Heather said...

She is darling and has beautiful eyes!

Elizabeth said...

Time is just flying by!
Love her little expressions!

Eloise said...

Your daughter is precious, Sarah! So glad that you're enjoying her so.

We're overdue for a Dallas blogger get together. I'll ask Hopsy to get on it!