Friday, January 13, 2012

Hunger Games. Get excited.

I know most of you have probably already read The Hunger Games. But, if you haven't I highly recommend it. I'm sure that Mojito Maven suggested them and after finishing one, I immediately moved onto the next. Of course, when I finished the third I was disappointed they were over.

And, now that I'm a mom I don't get to the movies very often, but this is definitely one I will be seeing in the theaters!

Happy Friday! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. I'm super jealous of those of you with Monday off.


Beth Dunn said...

Cannot wait!

Jessie Jones said...

I have got to read these books before the movie comes out! I'm behind!

Cole said...

I read the whole trilogy in under 2 days. I'm pretty sure I didn't sleep...

Elizabeth said...

I just downloaded The Hunger Games after seeing the previews. Love it so far!