Today our little girl is four weeks old. So hard to believe that it's been almost a month already! And, she's been home for almost a week and a half.
She's doing well and definitely hit her three week growth spurt. She now weighs 7 lbs. 3 oz, which is a whole pound more than she was born weighing. She still seems small in her newborn clothes but I'm sure I'll be missing these days of her being so small in the near future.
She's had her first outing and did great! Luckily she doesn't seem to mind noise at all ( I guess this is a silver linking to the NICU since she grew accustomed to all the activity around her while there.)
She's definitely getting her own little personality with each day that goes by. This is one of my favorite faces she makes. My friend calls it her kissy face. :) And, she is quite a night owl! Not sure how to remedy this one, but we've been told not to worry about it as much for a preemie until she's a few weeks past her due date.
I did have a cute moment with a friend today when her four year old asked to hold her her. Her mom said, "No, she's very little and she's not even supposed to be born yet. Better just let me hold her." So strange to think that I should still be pregnant!
I'm doing okay as far as recovery, but hit a speed bump a day or so ago when I got a very specific pain in my muscles due to the very strong sutures and the muscles healing. My OB says the only thing to help it is rest. Ha! Unfortunately that might mean I'm out of commission for attending the World Series games this weekend and we have tickets to cheer on my Texas Rangers. Sigh... this won't be the last sacrifice for this little girl I make.
She is so, so cute! They grow up so quickly :-)
she is seriously adorable. and i'm sure she'll be filling out those clothes in no time!!
Okay. So I'm behind on all the blogging news and such but Congratulations. She's absolutely adorable!!!!
Oh my she is so beautiful! I love that face, so adorable! You are so blessed! :)
Such a beautiful baby girl! I love her kissy face! Congratulations again!
She is beautiful!!! So happy for you!!!
I'm so happy for all of you - happy that she's home and safe and sound, happy that she's beautiful and perfect, and happy that motherhood is coming so naturally to you. So excited to see more pictures of her as she grows!
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