Thursday, July 28, 2011

Christmas in Autumn?

It's occurred to me lately that we need to start thinking about Christmas. Yes, Christmas. 

Seeing as how Christmas is just two months after my due date (and my due date is three months from today!), I'm thinking I'm not going to have a whole lot of time or desire to be shopping with a newborn/ infant. 

And, as great as online shopping and Amazon are, we'll be on one income since my short term disability is a small percentage of my pay. And, my income is what buys our gifts.

Are any of you the kind of people who get your Christmas shopping done really early? What's the secret? How do you decide what to get for people, especially children who don't put together wish lists until around Thanksgiving? Is it weird to ask now? Will our parents really expect gifts from us? I know I'm not expecting gifts for me personally since all the attention will be on the Bean.

I wish everyone had an Amazon wish list...


Sara McCarty said...

I am definitely not the right person to ask this question to. I don't even start to think about Christmas gifts until late November, early December. Sometimes it's right down the very last minute with me. Terrible planning on my part. Maybe I should start to think about it now!

Heather said...

I start early, but only for people who are easy to shop for (my sister and best friend, usually). How are you feeling? I hope your pregnancy is going well!

Heather said...

I start early, but only for people who are easy to shop for (my sister and best friend, usually). How are you feeling? I hope your pregnancy is going well!

chelsea said...

I'm starting this month too, and I don't have that whole baby thing going on. It just makes sense to me to not wait till the last minute.